Akshay Kumar‘s upcoming film Rustom Indian Hindi-language film written by Vipul K Rawal and directed by Tinu Suresh Desai. It features Akshay Kumar and Ileana D’Cruz in the lead roles. It is based on the real life incident of Naval Officer K.M. Nanavati. Rustom movie is a film about a famous sailor who has immense love for his country and about the struggles that he has to fight with on his journey for the country.
Rustom Pavri Akshay Kumar in the film a naval officer named Rustom's role will be to see. This is the first time will be seen playing the role of renewable a Parsi. This film also renewable with crusading iliyana d ' Cruz stars. The new movie director Suresh Desai Rustom teenu Rustom Bollywood will make their debut in the industry has been guided by.
- Akshay Kumar
- Ileana D'Cruz
- Arjan Bajwa
- Esha Gupta
| Tinu Suresh Desai |
| Neeraj Pandey Aruna Bhatia Nittin Keni Akash Chawla Virender Arora Ishwar Kapoor Shital Bhatia |
| Vipul K Rawal |
| Vipul K Rawal |
| K. M. Nanavati v. State of Maharashtra |
| Akshay Kumar Ileana D'Cruz Arjan Bajwa Esha Gupta |
| Ankit Tiwari Jeet Ganguly Raghav Sachar Arko Pravo Mukherjee |
| Santosh Thundiyil |
| Zee Studio KriArj Entertainment Cape Of Good Films Plan C Studios |
| Zee Studios |
| 12 August 2016 |
| India |
| Hindi |
The film is scheduled to be released on 12 August 2016.
In Movie
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